Crypto Why Invest in Cryptocurrency? Doesn't it seem like everyone from your neighbor, your co-worker, and even your local teenager is jumping on the cryptocurrency bandwagon? Where HAVEN'T you heard about cryptocurrency? You've probably heard all the buzzing news about kids making thousands on NFTs and people suddenly becoming
Crypto What is Cryptocurrency and How Does It Work? Have you heard of Bitcoin? What about Dogecoin? Well, what about blockchain, decentralized, or a ledger? Honestly, I have yet to meet someone who hasn't heard SOMETHING about cryptocurrency. But, the truth is I have met many people who don't have even a basic understanding of
General Investing Setting Your Financial Goals > 77% of Americans feel anxious about their financial situation and 58% feel that financial concerns control their life. If you've ever worried about your finances, don't worry, you aren't alone. Most of us have at least at some point in time felt like
General Investing Featured Why Should I Invest? In life, there are only TWO ways you can live: 1. You work for money OR 2. You have your money work for you Our whole lives, we've been taught to work for money; go to school, find a job, get paid a decent salary, do good work,
General Investing What is Investing? In the simplest terms: 💡Investing is allocating money into an asset, in the hopes that this money makes MORE money for you.The asset you put money into could be stocks that reward you with dividends, real estate that pays you rental income, or maybe it's the newest